The right board member can make a big difference in the success of your company. The board of directors represents the interests of your business and their actions could influence the work you’re doing. If a board member becomes difficult to reach, does not take part in meetings, or has an extreme discord with your company’s values or the rest of the board, it might be time to think about replacing them.

A good board member is one who shares your organization’s mission. A passion for the issues your nonprofit tackles will keep board members engaged long after the initial excitement has diminished. They should also have some level of business or organizational proficiency and be familiar with the principles of good business practices.

Seek out people with different age groups, ethnicities, and experiences to fill your board. This will fill your board with diversity and allow you to present different perspectives to your leaders. Board members must be able to play devil’s advocate and examine assumptions even if their assumptions are from their own personal experiences.

Ask potential board members to provide you with the amount of time they’re willing to dedicate to the work of your board and the work of its committees. Many people who are interested in joining a committee underestimate the commitment required for the role. When vetting candidates, you should be sure to identify any other commitments that might affect their ability to serve on your board.

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